COVID-19 Updates: New DCA Guidance for Essential and Non-Essential Construction
April 17, 2020COVID-19 Updates: NJBA CEO Carol Ann Short, Esq. Named to Governor’s Recovery Council, PEA and More
May 9, 2020COVID-19 Updates: Governor Murphy Plans to Announce Groups to Create Blueprint to Reopen NJ
Governor Murphy Plans to Announce Groups to Create Blueprint to Reopen NJ
Governor Murphy is forming two groups of powerful and influential business leaders to assist in creating the blueprint for how the state will reopen and reignite the economy. Merck Chair and CEO Ken Frazier and former Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman are expected to co-chair the lead commission, which will approach the recovery from a macroeconomic viewpoint. Choose New Jersey CEO Jose Lozano is expected to be named head of the second group, an advisory committee that will include a handful of sector-specific subcommittees made up entirely of New Jerseyans. Click here to read the ROI-NJ coverage.
Updated Job Site Coronavirus Safety Guidance for Construction
The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) has published important updates to its guidance for the construction industry on coronavirus exposure prevention, preparedness and response. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Leading Builders of America (LBA) are key members of CISC. The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan for Construction describes how to prevent worker exposure to coronavirus, protective measures to be taken on the job site, personal protective equipment and work practice controls to be used, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, and what to do if a worker becomes sick. Click here to view the updated prevention measures.
Additionally, OSHA has issued safety guidance for the construction industry to help reduce the risk of exposure to coronavirus. The agency will be issuing a series of industry-specific alerts designed to keep workers safe. Click here to view the guidance for construction workers.
DEP Extends Certain Time Frames for Site Remediation
Last week, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) extended certain time frames for remediation under the Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (ARRS) and Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (Technical Requirements) rules by 90 days. This duration applies to time frames that have been reached or will be reached while the state of emergency is in effect. Additionally, DEP noted it may waive, suspend, modify or relax provisions of ARRCS and Technical Requirements on a case by case and site specific basis. Click here to read the notice detailing which deadlines are extended and the waiver requirements.
Additional Small Business Relief Funds Signed Into Law
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) small business rescue will restart today after its first wave of funds were exhausted. The program has been replenished with $320 billion in new money that President Trump signed into law Friday. The Small Business Administration will resume accepting applications at 10:30am today. The new law also appropriates funds for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL).
Governor Murphy Signs EO128 Allowing Security Deposit to be Used for Rent
Last week, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order #128, which allows a tenant to direct a landlord to use moneys held in a security deposit to pay rent. This money can be used either to make up a shortfall or pay rent in full. Find a summary of the EO below, and click here to view the full text.
- Upon written request from a tenant, a security deposit shall be credited towards rent payments due or that become due during the public health emergency
- The landlord may recoup from the tenant any monies the landlord expended that would have been reimbursable by the security deposit
- The tenant shall not be be obligated to make any further security deposit payments relating to the current lease
- If the lease is renewed, then the tenant shall be obligated to replenish the security deposit in full either six months following the end of the public health emergency or on the date on which the lease is renewed, whichever is later
Help Gather Data: NJBIA Poll on Coronavirus Impact on Businesses
Last week, the NJ Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) started soliciting responses for their new Recovery Survey. The goal of this survey is to have businesses submit information on the economic impacts resulting from the COVID-19 response, and to shed light on what is needed to bring them back online when the state reopens. This data will be used to help inform NJ policymakers as they contemplate a reopening plan, as well as to advocate for appropriate policies and actions on behalf of the business community. Click here to fill out the survey.