NJBA Announces Return of Foundation for Housing and Establishment of Tony DiLodovico Memorial Scholarship
November 28, 2023NJBA Installs Debra Tantleff as Chair
January 18, 2024Foundation for Housing
NJBA is pleased to announce that its charitable arm, the Foundation for Housing has been re-constituted. A non-profit entity established in 1999, Foundation for Housing, Inc. is a collaboration of builders and associated professionals in the residential construction industry who seek to address housing insecurity by increasing the supply of and access to affordable shelter in New Jersey for persons and families of modest means, and to support careers in the homebuilding industry through scholarships and partnerships.Please consider making a donation to the Foundation for Housing today.
Donate via:
Venmo: www.venmo.com/foundationforhousing
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=2NASD2L6JB9QE
Check: made payable to Foundation for Housing and mailed to 16 South Avenue West, #122, Cranford, NJ 07016.
All contributions are considered tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Thank you in advance for your contribution!
The Foundation for Housing Trustees:
-Jeff Kolakowski, Chair (NJBA), New Jersey Builders Association
-Frank Belgiovine, Vice Chair (METRO), Belmont Construction Corp.
-Deb Tantleff, Secretary (MXD/METRO), Tantum Real Estate
-Christopher Amato (SBACNJ), CMM, Inc
-John Cioletti (BANNJ), Reno’s Appliance
-Steven Dalton (SBACNJ), Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, PC
-Kristie Davida (BANNJ), Home Ateliers
-Warren King (METRO), King Custom Home Builders
-Andrea LoMonaco (MEETRO), Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
-Nate Russo, Jr. (BLSJ), Russo Homes, LLC
-Robert Washburn (BLSJ) Attorney