NJBA Board of Directors Swears in New Officers
July 6, 2022Thank You for Supporting BPAC
September 9, 2022NJBA Holds 35th Annual Golf Outing
Thank you to all of the golfers and attendees who joined us for NJBA’s 35th Annual Golf Outing at Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township. Congratulations to this year’s winners:
1st Place Winners: Rich Boisch, CRISP Insurance Advisors; Dave Russo, CRISP Insurance Advisors; Ken Fox, Fox Architectural Design; Aaron Epstein, Aaron Epstein Law, LLC
2nd Place: From French & Parrello Associates: Steve Clark, Matthew Kearney, William Lafe, Joseph Tierney
Longest Drive Winner: CJ Hunter, Wiss & Company, LLP
Closest to the Pin Winner: Billy Iafe, Atlantic Realty Development Corporation
Putting Contest Winner: Basil Ellmers, Envirotactics, Inc.